In Another Country (Rétrospective Hong Sangsoo)

In Another Country 

Dareun Naraeseo Corée du Sud 2012 | Hong Sangsoo | vostEN | 89’ | digital | Cast : Isabelle Huppert, Yoo Junsang, Kwon Haehyo

Compétition, Festival de Cannes


A young woman and her mother run away to the seaside to escape their mounting debt. To relieve the stress, the woman begins writing a script, in three parts, with a French woman named Anne visiting the Korean seaside in each segment.


« Beguilingly simple, relaxed in its mastery and enhanced by Isabelle Huppert’s impeccable poise. Pic makes Huppert’s “otherness” a dramatic lodestone, observing not only how Koreans treat foreigners, but also how they behave toward each other in the company of strangers; their amusingly awkward interactions constitute a deeper reflection on the concept of give-and-take in love and life. » (Variety)


« Three mini-stories, each of which star Huppert as variations on the same character, and in every case a comic blunder occurs. The closest Hong will come to remaking Lost in Translation, this characteristically eccentric take on tourism and miscommunication is funny in the moment and profound after the fact. » (Indiewire)

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Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg


Tarif plein 3.7 €
Tarif réduit 2.4 €
Kulturpass 1.5 €


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